Laying Out the Pattern and Sewing

Lay the fabric on your cutting board and fold it twice, lengthwise, at about fifteen inches in from the selvage. Now, pin the pattern to the fabric. Cut out the crown on the fold along the grainline. Then cut the brims in the same manner.

Cut out the interfacing, too.

Baste or fuse the interfacing to one of the brims, wrong sides together. (Figure below and to the left) Lay this flat on the table, with the right side facing up. Now lay another brim on top of the first, right sides together. Pin them and sew them together at in from the outside edge. Use a stitch length setting of 2 or 3. (For fabrics with a nap, make sure the nap is running from front to back before sewing.)

Now, cut little notches in the edge, avoiding the seam, (Figure to the right) so you can turn this assembly inside out. Push the seems out fully and press them flat (Do not iron fabrics with a nap.) Top-stitch the brim at 3/8" in from the outer edge to keep it flat and lay the third brim on top, right sides together (That's the strip of blue in the figure to the right)
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Chapter One

Setting Up the Pattern

Fitting and Final Assembly

Finishing Touches